Due tomorrow: work sheet on colon usage. There is a copy below if you were absent.
Today: Gatsby quiz through chapter 3
In class: novel discussion.
Use a colon [ : ] before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself. Think of the colon as a gate, inviting one to go on:
There is only one thing left to do now: confess while you still have time.
The charter review committee now includes the following people:
the mayor
the chief of police
the fire chief
the chair of the town council
It might be useful to say, also, when we don't use a colon. Remember that the clause that precedes the mark (where you're considering a colon) ought to be able to stand on its own as an independent clause. Its purpose might be strictly to introduce the clause that follows, so it might feel rather incomplete by itself, but grammatically it will have both a subject and a predicate. In other words, we would not use a colon in situations like the following:
Her recipe for gunpowder included saltpeter, dry oatmeal, and ground-up charcoal briquets. (no colon after "included")
His favorite breakfast cereals were Rice Krispies, Cheerios, and Wheaties. (no colon after "were")
Her usual advice, I remember, was "Keep your head up as you push the ball up the court." (no colon after "was")
There is only one thing left to do now: confess while you still have time.
The charter review committee now includes the following people:
the mayor
the chief of police
the fire chief
the chair of the town council
It might be useful to say, also, when we don't use a colon. Remember that the clause that precedes the mark (where you're considering a colon) ought to be able to stand on its own as an independent clause. Its purpose might be strictly to introduce the clause that follows, so it might feel rather incomplete by itself, but grammatically it will have both a subject and a predicate. In other words, we would not use a colon in situations like the following:
Her recipe for gunpowder included saltpeter, dry oatmeal, and ground-up charcoal briquets. (no colon after "included")
His favorite breakfast cereals were Rice Krispies, Cheerios, and Wheaties. (no colon after "were")
Her usual advice, I remember, was "Keep your head up as you push the ball up the court." (no colon after "was")
Please answer the following.
1 Which of these is correct?
a) The potion contained: fruit, biscuits and glue.
b) The potion contained fruit, biscuits and glue.
c) The potion: contained fruit, biscuits and glue.
2 Which of these is correct?
a) You have only one choice: Leave now while you can.
b) You have only one choice leave now while you can.
c) You have only one choice. Leave now while you can.
3 Which of these is correct?
a) I can see only one thing: the old lighthouse.
b) I can see only one thing the old lighthouse.
c) I can see: only one thing the old lighthouse.
4 Which of these is correct?
a) In the bag were: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
b) In the bag were the following: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
c) In the bag there were: scissors, a hairbrush and her address book.
5 Which of these is correct?
a) Mankind has only one choice left stop burning fossil fuel.
b) Mankind has only one choice left, stop burning fossil fuel.
c) Mankind has only one choice left: stop burning fossil fuel.
6 Which of these is correct?
a) My favourite breakfast cereals are: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
b) These are my favourite breakfast cereals: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
c) My favourite breakfast cereals: corn flakes, frosties and golden nuggets.
7 Which of these is correct?
a) Our old French teacher used to say: 'Look at the text lad!'
b) Our old French teacher would say: 'Look at the text lad!'
c) Our old French teacher had a favourite saying: 'Look at the text lad!'
8 Tick the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) I have only one thing to say to you: 'Get off my land.'
b) The pot contained: sausages, mushrooms and beans.
c) My favourite books are: 'On the Road' and 'The Naked Lunch'.
d) My teacher used to say this: 'Always work hard but not too hard.'
9 Tick the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) These are a few of my favourite things: sausages, beans and more sausages.
b) For breakfast I would like: sausages, beans and more sausages.
c) This would be my favourite breakfast: sausages, beans and more sausages.
d) Could you bring me: sausages, beans and more sausages.
10 Tick the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) We have to stop: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using our cars.
b) We have to stop doing these harmful things: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using our cars.
c) These things cause environmental damage: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using our cars.
d) Our quality of life is damaged by: polluting the rivers, burning fossil fuels and using our cars so much.
11 Tick the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) The new house was: modern, spacious and luxurious.
b) Our new house looked: modern, spacious and luxurious.
c) I like a new house to be all of the following: modern, spacious and luxurious.
d) All the houses on the new estate were: modern, spacious and luxurious.
12 Tick the correctly punctuated sentences.
a) Give me: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
b) I love: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
c) I love a huge breakfast: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
d) Bring me a huge breakfast: mushrooms, cheese, ham and coleslaw.
In this exercise you will be given a sentence without a colon. Use a colon to improve the sentence's style by making it more forceful.
Look at the example below.
The only thing mankind has left is hope.
Mankind has only one thing left: hope.
1 I really can't stand cold rice pudding.
2 The one country I would really love to visit is Mexico.
3 You have no choice but to accept the referee's decision.
4 The two things the company's success was founded on were service and value for money.
5 Climate change is the most serious threat to mankind's survival.
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