HOMEWORK OVER THE BREAK: whom, whom, that and which pronouns. I am giving you the rules and the practice / test sheet, for which you will be graded. There is no retest on this one. (By the way, the grades were much improved on the second pronoun test.) Please complete the sheet for Monday 25 April. As well, read the first two chapters of The Great Gatsby. Make sure you know the fundamental literary elements within these chapters: characters, setting, plot, theme, tone (what supports this?).
IN CLASS: Today is national Poem IN YOUR POCKET DAY
Your assignment: share out a poem with the class. This may be your personal writing or a found poem, which you relate to. Be prepared to explain why chose the poem and what we as the audience should be listening for in terms of theme or imagery. This informal sharing will give you an added opportunity to speak in front of a group, as well as practice your enunciation, body language, pacing and voice projection skills.

At the last minute a word is waiting
not heard that way before and not to be
repeated or ever be remembered
one that always had been a household word
used in speaking of the ordinary
everyday recurrences of living
not newly chosen or long considered
or a matter for comment afterward
who would ever have thought it was the one
saying itself from the beginning through
all its uses and circumstances to
utter at last that meaning of its own
for which it had long been the only word
though it seems now that any word would do
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