Reminder: Friday review of vocabularies 1-4. These are excerpts from exercise 4 of the units.
Vocabulary 4 due on Friday
In class: application of Jonathan Edwards persuasive techniques to contemporary commericals.
Review of "Gout" vocabulary in preparation for Ms. Kazer's lesson tomorrow.
“Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout”
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
indolence: (noun) laziness, sloth, lack of activity
reproach: (verb) blame, discredit, disgrace
glutton: (noun) a person with a remarkably great desire or capacity for something
tippler: (noun) one who engages in excessive drinking
complaisant: (adj) exhibiting a desire or willingness to please
sedentary: (adj) doing much sitting, not physically active
replete: (adj) filled, abounding, abundantly supplied
stagnant: (adj) not flowing or running, lack of development or advancement
dissipate: (verb) to drive away, to disperse
abate: (verb) reduce in degree or intensity, nullify
commodious: (adj) spacey and convenient, roomy
attenuated: (verb) to make thinner
ruddy: (adj) a healthy reddish color
concomitant: (adj) occurring or existing concurrently
insuperable: (adj) incapable of being surmounted, overcome or solved
sage: (adj) wise through reflection and experience
palsy: (noun) paralysis of a body part, uncontrollable muscle movement
dropsy: (noun) the swelling of soft tissue
apoplexy: (noun) sudden impairment of neurological function, stroke
dolefully: (adv) full of grief, sorrowfully, with sadness
temperately: (adv) moderately
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