Last of the Prezi presentations in class, I hope.
Moving on. Today the second half of your graphic organizer is due, the part specifically on How the Other Half Lives.
For tomorrow: make sure you have read the New York Times article on the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory fire.
On Tuesday, there will be a short response test on Maggie and Other Half. You may use your graphic organizers. This will be the last grade of the marking period.
On Monday, we will try again with the subject verb agreement assessment. This will consist of excerpts for last Monday's fiasco. Review the rules and how they are employed.
In class tomorrow, Friday, you are collecting Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology. Please note the following:
Of course what made Spoon River Anthology immediately popular was the shock of recognition. Here for the first time in America was the whole of a society which people recognized - not only that part of it reflected in writers of the genteel tradition. Like Chaucer's pilgrims, the 244 characters who speak their epitaphs represent almost every walk of life--from Daisy Frazer, the town prostitute, to Hortense Robbins, who had travelled everywhere, rented a house in Paris and entertained nobility; or from Chase Henry, the town drunkard, to Perry Zoll, the prominent scientist, or William R Herndon, the law partner of Abraham Lincoln. The variety is far too great for even a partial list. There are scoundrels, lechers, idealists, scientists, politicians, village doctors, atheists and believers, frustrated women and fulfilled women. The individual epitaphs take on added meaning because of often complex interrelationships among the characters. Spoon River is a community, a microcosm, not a collection of individuals.
from Ernest Earnest, "Spoon River Revisited." Western Humanities Review 21 (1967): 59-65. p. 63
Start browsing through the poems and noting a couple characters that you might want to bring to life. Details to follow...
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