Remember: Monday is the next Hamlet quiz.
I'm keeping a cumulative running of your blog entries, so you know exactly what the homework grade is. By next Monday, you must have 10 in order to have a hundred.
We are finishing up the relationship between Hamlet and his father, using your definitions from yesterday. This is in anticipation of a formal paper on this relationship. More to come tomorrow on that.
Willis A.Brooks-
ReplyDeleteShould have killed him.
Yeah I totally agree he should of killed him I mean he did have the chance to.
ReplyDeleteNo he shouldn't have killed him because two wrongs wouldn't make a right plus what would killing him accomplish.
ReplyDeleteThe things that we've talkd about in class today makes you look at what hamlets father is doing to him in a different way. This shows what he's doing not in a sympathetic way but in a nasty evil revengful way. As I think about it hamlets father is kind of ruining his sons life and to me its wrong of him to do that. And he shouldn't kill him but beating him up really bad would be acceptable!
ReplyDeleteperi - I feel that Laertes took a large blow from all the major actions in this book. He has no clue what is going on when his father is killed, his sister commits suicide, Hamlet seems to be the main cause of this and the king convinces him to kill Hamlet out of revenge. He must be out of sorts as he comes back to Denmark and things only get worse as the play continues.
ReplyDeleteI disagree i definitly think he should kill him. Anyone who is willing to kill their own brother and DOES IT should be in jail, and especially not king. What Claudius did was terrible and greedy and he's a horrible person. Why should he get to live while his nice, good brother doesn't?
ReplyDeletewhen hamlet is sitting with ophelia watching the play does he have feelings toward her or is he messing with her head?
I don't think he should kill himself, but he should do something. Killing yourself doesn't solve anything
ReplyDeleteI think that Hamlet doesn't know what to do. He is brainwashed by this ghost he needs help to understand what he should really do.
ReplyDeletei dont think hamlet should kill him and hamlet knows he cant becase if he dose it will chage everything about him and if he allows him self to go that dark he'll never come back
ReplyDeleteI don't think Hamlet should kill Claudius because it just makes the situation worse and doesn't solve anything.
ReplyDeletei think hamlet should kill claudius because his father is very convincing.