Today we are reviewing the classroom policies, which were handed out in class.
Students should share the information with their parents and sign and return the attached sheet. Please retain the top sheet for contact information. As well there is a photo release sheet. Please have that signed, if you would like to have your picture included with any class photos on the blog. These are due by Tuesday 7 September as a homework grade.
Students should share the information with their parents and sign and return the attached sheet. Please retain the top sheet for contact information. As well there is a photo release sheet. Please have that signed, if you would like to have your picture included with any class photos on the blog. These are due by Tuesday 7 September as a homework grade.
Note that on Monday September 13 the class, as well as every English class, is writing a critical lens essay on the two choice books that the students were required to read over the summer. This is 20% of this marking period's grade. We will be reviewing the format for this type of essay in class; however the student needs to have read the material. If you have not read the material, you may still complete the essays; however, 15 points will be deducted for each book.
The SOTA website: http://www.rochester.org/ has the book selections for each grade that were handed out last June.
The SOTA website: http://www.rochester.org/ has the book selections for each grade that were handed out last June.
HOMEWORK: Please register yourself on the blog. You may access this directly:
http://english11honors10-11.blogspot.com/or through the SOTA web site: www.rcsdk12.org/SOTA. Click on teachers and then Parker.
Note that all assignments are posted here, as well as daily classwork. It is your responsibility to check it daily.
5 time might come through, hopefully
ReplyDeletei like our name! =) TEAM CHIMERA!