To be or not to be soliloquy

This evening is the last day to post. You may reflect on any aspect of the play.
In class we are finishing up Hamlet's soliloquy at the end of Act II: O, what a rogue and peasant slave and the next solioquy in Act III. i: To be or not to be soliloquy.
Note how they inform us as the audience of Hamlet's character.
Vocabulary 2 is being passed out. This is due next Monday: October 1; 10 points off for each day late. See below, if you loose yours.
Make sure to see me sooner, not later, on any questions you have about the paper.
Vocabulary 2
accost- verb-to approach or speak first; to confront in a challenging or aggressive way; approach, confront
animadversion – noun- a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval; rebuke, reproof
avid – adj- desirous or something to the point of greed; eager; keen, enthusiastic
brackish – adj – having a salty taste and unpleasant to drink; briny, saline
celerity – adj – swiftness, rapidity of motion or action; promptness, alacrity, speed
devious – adj- staying from the straight or direct course; acting in a shifty or underhanded way; tricky,
roundabout, sly, artful
gambit – noun – in chess an opening move that involves risk or sacrifice of a minor piece in order to
gain a later advantage; any opening move of this type; ploy, stratagem, ruse, maneuver
halcyon –noun – calm, peaceful, happy, golden, prosperous; tranquil, serene, placid, palmy
histrionic – adj – theatrical, artificial, melodramatic; affected, stagy
incendiary –adj- deliberately setting or causing fire or strife; inflammatory, provocative
maelstrom – adj- a whirlpool of great size and violence- a situation resembling a whirlpool in
violence or destruction; vortex, chaos, turbulence, tumult
myopic –adj- nearsighted, lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation, lack of foresight or
discernment; shortsighted
overt –adj- open, not hidden; expressed or revealed; clear, obvious, manifest, patent
pejorative – adj – tending to make worse, expressing disapproval; derogatory; belittling
propriety –noun – the state of being proper or appropriate; fitness, correctness, decorum
sacrilege- noun- improper or disrespectful treatment of something considered sacred, desecration, profanation,
summarily – adverb – without delay or formality; concisely; promptly, abrubtly
suppliant – adj – asking humbly and earnestly;
talisman – noun – an object that serves as a charm or is believed to have magical powers.
undulate – verb – to move in waves or a wavelike motion, ripple, fluctuate, rise and fall
Vocabulary 2, exercise 2. Choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences. Make sure to use the correct verb tense or plural as needed.
1. Although a heavy snowfall was not expected, the highway department responded with surprising __________________________.
2. Many innocent people caught in the ______________________ of the revolution lost their lives and property.
3. The nobleman was ____________________ by the beggars on his way to the castle.
4 The interrogator used ____________________ methods to try to get the suspect to inciminate himself.
5 The baseball fans began to _____________________ as they cheered, so that they appeared to move like a wave.
6 The social worker questioned the ________________________ of the police’s request to see confidential records.
7 The shipwrecked passengers on the life raft became ill after drinking _____________________ water.
8 The woman often spoke of the ____________________ days of her youth.
9 He made a ______________________ address to the parole board, asking for an early release.
10. The arsonist planted a(n) __________________________ bomb in the basement of the store.
11 The _____________________ foreign policy of the last administration led to serious problems with
our allies.
12 Upon receiving his award, the young actor made a(n) _____________________ speech.
13. The anthropologist was accused of committing a __________________________ when she
disturbed an ancient burial ground.
14 The lawyer stepped over the line when he used a _____________________ term in referring to the defendant.
15. Many people do not believe that rabbit’s feet and other _________________________bring good
16. The inexperienced filmmaker was disheartened by the _________________________ of the film critic.
17. Asking an interesting stranger about his or her job is a popular ___________________ at a party.
18 In order for congress to declare war, the president must demonstrate a(n) _______________ threat.
19 As soon as there was evidence of criminal wrong doing, the official was ______________________ ousted from his post.
20. Most writers are also ________________ readers who have loved books since childhood.
Vocabulary 2, exercise 3 Provide either the synonym or antonym for the underlined word.
1. a tireless petitioner ____________________________
2. a lucky amulet ______________________________
3. the vortex of public opinion _____________________________
4. ripple in the current _____________________________
5. was taken in by her stratagem _____________________________
6. outraged by the desecration ____________________________
7. apologized for his unnecessary rebuke _____________________________
8. swam in the briny water ____________________________
9. abruptly resigned from the cabinet _____________________________
10. behaved with her usual decorum _____________________________
11. memories of our serene beginnings _________________________
12. confronted the thief at the door ________________________
13. completed the job with alacrity _______________________
14. their derogatory references to the past _________________________
15. took an indirect root _________________________
16. identified the peacemaker _________________________
17. make a very low-key plea for mercy ______________________
18. one of the most reluctant participants _________________________
19. known for farsighted thinking ____________________________
20. took secret action to avoid a crisis ___________________________
Vocab 2, exercise 1. Choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences. Make sure to use the correct verb tense or plural as needed
1 To our dismay we discovered that the water we had worked so hard to bring to the surface was too
_______________________ for human consumption.
2. As an employee of the local polling service last summer, it was my job to ______________________ people
on the street and ask them questions.
3. Many a rich southern planter saw all his resources swallowed up in the _________________________ of the
Civil War.
4. After the prisoner had been found guilty of treason, he was led before the firing squad and
___________________ executed.
5. Saying that “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” is not an effective response to their
_______________________ on your conduct.
6. During the rainy season, the highway sank at so many points that its surface began to
_________________________ like the track of a roller coaster.
7. I stand before you an abject _____________________, hoping against hope for your forgiveness.
8. My brother is such a(n) ________________________ collector of toy soldiers that I sometimes think our
house has been invaded by a pint-sized army.
9. The suffix ling often has a _______________________ connotation, as in the word princeling derived from prince.
10. On the return trip, we cut straight across the meadows rather than taking the more ________________________ path along the river.
11. In grandmother’s day the standards of _________________________ required that a young lady wear a hat
and gloves when she went out in public.
12. The _______________________ in which he accepted out invitation to dinner suggested that he was badly
in need of a good meal.
13. The tons of ____________________________ material ignited and turned the waste disposal plant into a
towering inferno.
14. In the eyes of most Americans, people who spit or burn the flag are guilty of an intolerable _____________.
15. We looked back at those ____________________________ years before the war as a kind of “golden age”
in our history.
16. Any book on chess strategy usually discusses the standard opening moves, such as the “knight’s” ________________.
17. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was a(n) _______________ act of war.
18. Down in the old square, a wrinkled old peasant was selling charms and ____________________ to warn off
the evil eye.
19. Her temper tantrum was nothing more than a (n) ________________________ outburst.
20. Her pale face, hunched shoulders and _______________ stare showed that she had spent her life pouring over old books and documents.
Vocabulary 2, exercise 4 Circle the correct word for each sentence.
1. Her reckless words had an (incendiary, overt) effect on the already large crowd and large-scaled rioting
2. He is the kind of person who is not concerned with real moral values but simply with appearances and
(celerity, propriety).
3. He regarded his Phi Beta Kappa key as a (animadversion, talisman) that would open him all doors and win
him universal acceptance.
4. After years of failure to sell a single story, the young writer described himself bitterly as a(n) ( pejoratives,
avid ) collector of rejection slips.
5. She was buffeted about in a veritable (gambit, maelstrom) of emotions caused mainly by her own
dissatisfaction with herself.
6. His methods were so complicated and his purposes so (avid, devious) that we were not sure whether he was
spying on the enemy or us.
7. Without even considering the new evidence that I was about to present, they (summarily, deviously) denied
my appeal to reopen the case.
8. In an age when the United States has truly global responsibilities, we can ill afford leaders with (myopic,
pejorative) points of view.
9. The adoring fan regarded my negative comment about his favorite singer as tantamount to (maelstrom,
10. I certainly do not claim that my performance in office was beyond critics, but I deeply resent
(animadversions, maelstroms) on my honesty.
11. Although politicians must have some ability to dramatize themselves, it is very easy to overdo the
(proprieties, histrionics).
12. As the defendant left the courtroom, he was (accosted, gambited) by a group of reporters looking for his
reaction to the verdict.
13. Walt tends to react slowly, but when he feels his own interests are at stake, he can react with (myopia,
14. Since the word appeasement is associated with disastrous concessions to Adolf Hitler, it has acquired a(n)
(pejorative, overt) connotation.
15. John Masefield’s poem “Sea Fever” has an (avid, undulating) rhythm that actually gives one the feeling of
being on a rolling ship.
16. “His acts of defiance have been so (myopic, overt) and premeditated that I have no choice but to fire him,”
she said sadly.
17. Instead of imbibing the (brackish, suppliant) waters of superstition, let us refresh ourselves with long
draughts of common sense.
18. “I realize that this type of (gambit, sacrilege) has its risks,” she said, “but I expect it to pay off handsomely
in the end.
19. Nary a ripple disturbed the (halcyon, brackish) calm of the sea on that glorious summer afternoon.
20. The infatuated school boy, in one of his more restrained expressions, described himself as a (suppliant,
sacrilege) on the altar of love.
peri - I overall enjoyed the play but feel that Shakespeare should have put Hamlet's father into the play when he was alive. This way we could have seen the connection or bond inbetween them as father and son.
ReplyDeleteHamlet is confusing and hard to understand. The people in this book are shadey and they don't have respect for each other! Umm weird way for the book to end why would halmet die??
ReplyDeleteYes last day to blogggggg :)
I really don't like reading it, I like to watch it, and I loooovvvvvvveeee to not ever touch Shakespeare work at all. But he's a really amazing guy.
ReplyDeleteThis is manny and i just wanted to say that shakespeare's Hamlet is one of my favorite plays. I enjoyed the interesting "twist and turns" throughout the book.
ReplyDeleteI really don't like reading Shakespeare, but he is an amazing writer and i give him props for that lol. He makes people think in such a crazy way and really try to understand the play. It's hard but good for people.
Maddy Orcutt
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading Hamlet even though I didn't really understand it. I feel like Hamlet was easier to read than any of Shakespeare's other plays.
Lee Ana Hess
ReplyDeleteI was a tad confused with the reading but I think i got the main picture now.
Im sooooooo happy to finally be done with Hamlet. Overall i enjoyed the interesting plot structure and characterization throughout the book.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really a Shakespeare fan. I don't like reading it at all. It's hard to understand his language is frustrating to read. I'd rather watch a Shakespeare play rather than read it. But when everything is broken down, Hamlet was the most interesting
ReplyDeleteI am glad that we are already done with Hamlet because it is pretty hard to understand and can we go over blood revenge because i still don't understand it. in the reading that we had to do tonight was he talking about his uncle or no.
ReplyDeleteThis book was confusing and full of different schemes and plots. Over all when I put all the main points together I understood the book of Hamlet.